There’s no such thing as too much Keanu

If you’re a fan of Keanu Reeves you were probably excited to hear that he would be reprising his role as Neo in the Matrix 4 even if Matrix Revolutions was, in my personal opinion, terrible. I mean…they’re flying around having a mid air battle? C’mon.

It’s been 16 years since Revolutions but Keanu has been staying in shape thanks to the John Wick series which he will also be reprising his role as the title character for John Wick 4. But…if you want to see them both you’re going to have to clear your calendars because it turns out they’re being released on the same day! May 21st 2021.

Why the studios would pit Keanu against Keanu for two major films, I don’t know. I DO know that I will use it as my excuse to skip all responsibilities, have a double feature day, and inevitably make myself sick on popcorn.