Rod Stewart punches security guard in West Palm

Why is it that celebrities are always getting into trouble when they visit Florida? They’re giving us a bad rep!

For New Year’s Eve, Rod Stewart and his son Sean decided to celebrate at the Breakers in West Palm Beach. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for things to spin out of control.

It started with security guards noticed a group of people trying to get into the club who weren’t authorized to do so. I’m assuming there was a list since it was New Year’s Eve. The group began to get loud and cause a scene. That’s when 39 year old Sean Stewart apparently got in the face of a security guard, “nose to nose”, which caused the guard to put his hand on Sean’s chest to make him back off.

Sean then shoved the guard back and that’s when dear ol’ dad Rod jumped in and punched the guard in the ribs!

Police were called and both are now facing simple battery charges.

Personally, I don’t know what he was so upset about. I love it when plans don’t go through. It means I can go home and go to bed! That’s the Chelsea Report.