Did Adam Sandler finally snap?

If you’re a follower of Adam Sandler on Twitter, you may have been shocked yesterday to see some posts that were very out of character to say the least.

In the past, Sandler has been labeled as one of the nicest celebrities, but these tweets contained sexist, racist comments that were too vulgar for me to share here. Some were even anti-Semitic. But, before you think that Adam Sandler has gone off the deep end…it turns out he was hacked.

And he’s not alone! Just days ago Mariah Carey’s account was hacked and earlier this year the same group, which call themselves the “Chuckling Squad”, targeted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. And if the CEO of Twitter is getting hacked…maybe that’s a sign that you need better security measures?

The offensive posts on Sandler’s account were very quickly taken down, thank goodness.